Reporting an Automobile Accident | Drexel University

In the event of an accident:

  • Stay at the scene of the accident, check for personal injury, and seek medical attention if necessary.
  • Set emergency signals to prevent further damage or injury.
  • Call the local police and notify your supervisor immediately. In the event the accident is on campus, notify the Department of Public Safety as well. Stay calm. Be courteous. Avoid arguments. Secure assistance of police and request that an accident report be completed. Make no statement concerning the accident to anyone except the police. Obtain the police officer's name and badge number. Do not admit fault, make no promises, settlement.
  • Record the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the occupants of involved vehicles and all witnesses. (Please remember to note the number of occupants in each vehicle involved.)
  • Obtain the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons injured, regardless of how minor the injury. Try to learn where the injured were sent.
  • Record the insurance carrier of the other party, policy number, agent's name, address and phone number. Record the make and model of each vehicle involved as well as the license plate number.
  • Take photos of the accident and all vehicles involved, if possible. If no camera is available, please note the damage to the other vehicles.
  • Drive vehicle only if it has been determined by law enforcement authorities to be safe to do so.
  • Before leaving the accident scene, verify that all the facts have been obtained.

Risk Management must be notified immediately if anyone is injured or serious property damage is involved. All other accidents must be reported within 24 hours of the accident. If the accident occurs after business hours, please leave a voice mail message and you will be contacted ASAP or the next business morning. A completed Driver Accident Report form, as well as the Public Safety report (if applicable) must be submitted to Risk Management no later than two (2) business days of the accident. A police report must be submitted to Risk Management no later than seven (7) business days of the accident. It is the responsibility of the driver and/or supervisor to obtain the necessary police and Public Safety reports.

The driver’s department will be charged the insurance deductible for repair work caused from an accident involving a University Vehicle.